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Sheep Drive, Wool and Livery Fair - Sunday, 26th September 2021 - Southwark Bridge

  • Livery Fair - Southwark Bridge - Queen Street 1 > Livery Fair - Southwark Bridge - Queen Street 2 United Kingdom (map)

A great family day out in support of two fantastic causes. All proceeds from the annual Sheep Drive & Livery Fair support the Woolmen’s Company Charitable Trust and Lord Mayor’s Appeal.

Both events will be attended by a special guest and the Lord Mayor of London, Alderman William Russell.

Sheep Drive

There are probably as many theories and legends about the right to drive sheep over London Bridge as there are livery companies. The original Guilds controlled standards of work and the suitability of tradesmen to be apprenticed to a master.

In medieval times, sheep farmers drove their sheep across London Bridge into the City of London to sell them at market. Freemen of the City were excused the bridge toll that had to be paid by other people crossing the bridge, in recognition of their status as local traders. 

It is not clear when the last sheep were driven across London Bridge to market, but the widespread introduction of motorised vehicles in the early 20th century would have signalled the end of the practice, if it had not already ceased. The tradition of driving sheep across London Bridge has regained interest in recent years. 

Upholding the tradition of Freemen’s rights, in 2013 the Worshipful Company of Woolmen arranged the first official Sheep Drive for Freemen of the City and their guests to ‘drive’ sheep across the bridge. The event has been so successful that it has continued ever since and with places selling out every year we are planning for over 700 pre-booked supporters for 2021.

Livery Fair

Various wool related fairs and activities have taken place alongside the Sheep Drive over the years. In 2019, due to the popularity of the Fair this was based at the Monument, adjacent to London Bridge.

Whilst being an integral part of the day for supporters of the Sheep Drive, the Fair also enables a number of the 110 City of London liveries to showcase to the public what they do and the charitable work they support, with skilled tradespeople conducting interactive demonstrations of their specialist areas. 

The Fair also brings together a number of traders, from those selling wool based products, arts and crafts, quality gifts and food & drink.

Fernhill Fibre will be amongst these stalls with a certain shepherd and his set of blades !

WATCH THIS SPACE… for further updates and check out our social media where we will be following updates from the team – both two legged and four!

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